Sabtu, 25 Juni 2011

Akankah Dia Melihat Punggungku?

Berbicara dengan punggung? Mungkin banyak hal yang akan kita lakukan dengan kegiatan semacam ini. Kebanyakan orang, saya yakin pasti pernah melakukan ini. Kenapa saya se yakin ini? Ya coba tanyakan pada diri kita masing-masing lah.

Kita semua tentu merasakan dengan apa yang di rasakan kebanyakan orang. Merasakan sesuatu yang tidak berbentuk padat, bahkan kita sering melupakan keberadaanya. Sesuatu itu terletak di suatu tempat yang benyak bilang sih "HATI". Tapi saya tidak yakin dengan hal itu. Karena saya sendiri tidak yakin kalau saya punya hati, tetapi saya masih merasakan hal tak berbentuk itu. Memang banyak orang yang menghujat hal ini, setahu saya sih yang menghujat adalah mereka-mereka yang tidak pernah bisa mendapat sesuatu ini.

Ketika satu individu meraih individu lain untuk singgah di hatinya berarti dia siap untuk membiarkannya untuk singgah ke tempat lain pada suatu saat. Mungkin pernyataan itu yang belum bisa saya terima mentah-mentah. Mengingat ketika saya selalu membicarakannya di punggung saya. Saya hanya berharap. Berharap dia tahu apa yang selalu saya lakukan di punggung saya seraya tersenyum dan sekadar melempar kata ucapan senang. Ahh tapi saya hanya mimpi. Saya selalu melakukannya tapi bahkan dia tak menoleh ke belakangku.
Yah mimpi kan boleh.
Knight, Yudha 25 Juny 2011

Jumat, 24 Juni 2011

My first literary essay

I am not confident as ever. Back when there are not many “High-Technology” tools. High technology is the scientific understanding of many people about the image of something that can not have a lot of people. Many people thought he/she was cool when he/she has these “high-tech” gadgets. So indirectly,they do not have it yet is considered not cool or hip. However, if in his view the origin of the technology was created for ease of human life not to share the wealth. Perhaps the reason the gadget is too high for the ordinary people to have. Gadget is now actually has many benefits;in addition to ease life for humans, it is also a symbol of wealth. The more gadgets on her/his hand is same like the more symbols of wealth he had acquired.Am I wrong? When I can not have it all?

What the hell is the most cutting edge technology of the year? Somebody say"Tablet", another else "Laptop", "Blackberry", "MP5 Player," D-SLR Camera, etc.
Without us knowing it when every human body has“The Highest Technology". Hell-yeah, we have eyes that exceed levels of megapixels on the camera, and the other senses.And we have the most advanced technology that has nothing to compare it. What is it? Brain. Yeah the name of the highest technology we ever have is Brain. Just imagine if our brain is made the unit hard drive, how many gigabyte, terabyte, or petabyte that we have? From the beginning we was small until we have a mustache, we can remember these things well. Even,when we should be forced to memorize the formula when we want to test. We did, right? And how many are in our brains that we must save when we must remember the lessons at school.